Sunday, July 31, 2011

da STUFF:)

I'M SO GLAD that i still keep your stuff with keeps on reminding me about you...thanks to Allah for giving da opportunity to have da least i still have da memory...memory is so valuable that it is noe what?? the air is different with your presence...the sound of you is much different from others...just like KUCH2 HOTA HEY(i don't really noe how to spell dis, haha) feels different to have you in my life, but when fate came across, i lost u in my life...AM I SAD???? not sure but it feels so much different without u in my life...the air is different...the sound of nature seems to be so different...that is what we call PESONA DUNIA...

the best thing to do now is to let u go...REDHA dengan ketentuan-NYA....sesungguhnya ALLAH maha MENGETAHUI... sudah semestinya ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian...mungkin ada rahsia di sebalik takdir yang menyakitkan...HANYA ALLAH YANG MAHA MENGETAHUI...aku akan cuba meredhakan segalanya yang telah berlaku...

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